Sunday, June 24, 2012

3D in Adolescence

Over the past few months, I've come to the realization that 3D is going to be around for a long while yet.  Unlike 3D fads in previous decades, it's not going out of style anytime soon.  As a viewer, the decision and progress is out of my hands.  The question is, where does the industry stand? 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Losing The Finder

Fox's freshman show The Finder was officially cancelled in April.  The backdoor spinoff of Bones was the latest in the quirky crime genre that includes Monk, Psych, and White Collar.  While The Finder played the quirkiness card very well, most of the show's other attributes were rather shallow or misdirected.  For starters, the recurring storyline had the greatest focus on the supporting characters, leaving little for the protagonist, Walter Sherman (played by Geoff Stults).  What little story Walter was given seemed to be deliberately downplayed and neglected.  This coupled with an already risky concept gave Fox an excuse for "The Firefly treatment." 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The X-303 Prequel-theous

Hailed as Ridley Scott's return to sci-fi and anticipated as a new masterwork of horror, Prometheus falls a little shy of expectations.  The intense film satisfies the Alien fan's need for suspense, deadly creatures, and human maiming, but not in exposition.  The characters are archetypes built from the original cast but aren't overly derivative and the story expands the mythology.  Like most prequels, the failings are in the details.  There are the unfortunate continuity errors and some of the plot points are poorly connected or unexplained.  Bottom line, the film gets the blood pumping and the stomach churning, but it doesn't fully gap the missing information of Alien or even itself.  

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Aliens, Predators, and Gods, oh my!

The upcoming Prometheus is a prequel to Alien, the first of four films and two crossovers. With a new story and direction in the series, let's take a look at what this universe contains so far.