Sunday, July 15, 2012

Not Quite Amazing, But Still Good

Sony's reboot of Marvel's Spider-Man franchise was both burdened and elevated by the more serious approach to the material.  Since the last Spider-Man series was so recent, the origin story held few surprises, but there was an effort to infuse more depth into it.  New stars, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone were aptly cast and took the characters beyond the bland portrayals of Macguire and Dunst.  The film tried to be a full journey to heroism for its entirety, but lost a bit in the climax and follow-through.  Much like Parker, it was just a bit average.  

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Young Indy in the 1920s

After World War I finished, the series slowed down heavily, for better and mostly worse.  Without a war to provide an excuse for action, there were fewer opportunities for Indy to get into trouble, and his activities shifted to working in entertainment.  Unfortunately, this also resulted in fewer developments for his character.  As far as the TV series is concerned, World War I did the most to shape Henry Jones Jr. into Indiana Jones.