Sunday, September 23, 2012

Waiting for the technology

I've been thinking a lot about the phrase "waiting for the technology to catch up."  It's been used by a lot of filmmakers who want their projects to be heavy on special effects.  They usually announce the project and push the release back a bit so the hype can build up a bit and then finally release it.  Here's my question, has it really been worth the wait?  Are the final products better now than they would have been 10-15 years earlier when the idea first germinated?  The answer would be purely speculative of course, but I'm going to examine the issue using a few films as case studies.  Here we go.  

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Masters of the Timelords

The new season (or if you speak British, the new series) has begun of the long lasting Doctor Who.  The first half of this season marks what I hope will be the beginning of the end of the second phase of the contemporary series.  The first phase was the Russell T. Davies era and the second was the Steven Moffat era.  There are thematic and stylistic differences between the two that extend beyond just a different Doctor and companions.  Which of the two is better is as much a battle as Kirk vs. Picard, so I'll try to stay objective.  Each one has different things to offer.