Sunday, December 23, 2012

Firefly: Still Shiny

Christmas is almost upon us, but there's one anniversary just past that most people missed: the tenth anniversary of Firefly's cancellation.  Personally, I was in a bit of a pickle on how to honor this series, and then I realized there was one thing that I would never be able to do for it: watch it while it was on.  So I decided to recreate the conditions as closely as possible.  Starting Friday Sept. 21st, I proceeded to watch the show on Fox's original schedule.  I even looked up some old promos for the show.  Now, I've seen this series backwards and forwards a dozen times, but I tried to distance myself from that to give myself the experience of watching it for the first time.  It would have been nice to have a new viewer with me, but that would've just confused a prospecitve new fan, and I couldn't do that.  Here's what I thought.