Wednesday, February 8, 2017

What Doctor Who Fans are Waiting for from Big Finish

The Adventures of Martha and Micky
We last saw Mickey "The Idiot" Smith and his former U.N.I.T. bride, Martha Jones, in The End of Time, Part 2 where they were shown fighting a Sontaran. Martha made a reference to them recently "going freelance" which we can only infer as the couple defending the Earth on their own terms. Like most former companions, we've heard nothing from them since, but unlike most other companions, the story potential is endless. What are their lives like? Do they have day jobs? Who do they work for as freelancers? Are they Earth's new A Team? If the actors would be willing to sign on, Big Finish would have no problem pumping out a few action packed stories about this alien fighting duo.

Monday, February 6, 2017

An Open Letter to Chris Chibnall Concerning Doctor Who

Dear Mr. Chibnall,
I'm not going to mince words here, you have an uphill battle ahead of you. You've been given command of a sinking ship and asked to keep it going. This particular ship sprung a leak a while ago, but no one seems to have noticed or done anything about it, and now you're already halfway underwater.

But I want to help you. Doctor Who has weathered worse problems than this and a new Doctor is always an opportunity to win a new audience. Here's what I think you can do to get the show back to the basics that the fans know and love.