Monday, September 25, 2017

Star Trek Ascendancy w/ Expansions

My friends and I recently played a game of Star Trek Ascendancy, a game of galactic expansion and civilization development in the Trek-verse. I had just bought the new Ferengi and Cardassian expansions and we were all eager to try them. We were hoping for a 4-5 player game to get most or all of the factions in play. Alas, difficult availabilities pared our players down to the minimum 3.

It became quickly clear that everyone wanted to play the Ferengi. With the aggressive capitalism in the game, they rely on literally buying their way to victory ('Merica!)

We were on a bit of a time crunch, so I just passed out the starting turn order cards and we selected factions in that order. One of my friends got the #1 and took Ferengi. The other friend got the #2 and decided to try his hand at the Cardassians. That left me with the Federation, Klingons, Romulans. I'd played the Federation twice and already seen how the Klingons operate so I decided to go with the Romulans.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Concerning Lightsabers, Part 1: Kyberlight

About a month ago, I went with my sensei and a couple other students from my dojo to a lightsaber fight in Washington Square Park. I borrowed someone's saber and we did some lightsaber kendo for everyone. It was a good time, and despite my rather rough technique, I managed to win a bout.

Anyway, afterwards I decided to take the plunge and purchase my own dueling lightsaber. I'd been thinking about it for a while and thought, 'why not?'