Monday, January 29, 2018

My Journey Into Swordcraft

The Gift 

2017 was very troubled in the political realm, but for me, it was a period of a big change as I dived headfirst into the world of sword sports. Now, with a year of training in kendo, iaido, and a dabbling in a few others, I can say with certainty my life has charted a whole new course.

It started Christmas 2016. Trump's election was over a month behind us and everyone was pretty much past the shock. That said, I was miserable for an entirely different reason. I was struck down by food poisoning; the really bad kind that laid me up for 3 days and ended with a trip to the ER. I managed to regain enough strength by Christmas Day, but it was a rough road getting there. The one upside was I ate very little during that period, so I didn't put on any holiday weight. In fact I lost some to dehydration. 

While opening gifts, I recieved a rather unexpected one from my little sister; an umbrella with a katana handle. I was surprised but still excited at the coolness. Up until then, I had expressed very little interest in Japanese swordsmanship. I had offhandedly mentioned 'samurai' in a game of Mad Libs earlier, and played the Onimusha games in high school, but that was it. The umbrella was one of those gifts that I didn't know I really wanted. You might be thinking, "ah ha that's when you decided to take kendo" but no, not quite. That happened about a week later when New Year's rolled around. 

The katana umbrella
I always make New Years resolutions and they're often very personal and specific. Things like reading particular books, finishing projects, etc. I'd say, optimistically, I have about a 30-40% success rate on fulfilling them. Since weight loss was no longer an immediate issue, for January 2017 I resolved simply to "try more things." I felt I'd fallen into a bit of a rut of spending most of my free time on Netflix binges and video games, so I wanted to branch out a bit. As I considered what things to try, my thoughts returned to the katana umbrella. 

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Nitpicky Details in The Last Jedi

This is the second part of my review of The Last Jedi. This focuses on really nitpicky details that kinda bring things down for me. Now you might be rolling your eyes and asking "why can't you just relax and enjoy the film." Well, other movies have not gotten any slack for similar issues. Everyone gave Prometheus crap because the map guy got lost. No one gave Jurassic World a pass when Bryce Dallas Howard ran away from a T-Rex in high heels. Even the iconic A New Hope has never lived down the 12 parsecs line. I do have a certain tolerance for these things. Sometimes you can let them slide, sometimes they bring down the film. In my opinion, both as a Star Wars fan and a storyteller, I can't let them all go. Not only are they numerous, but they make it seem like everyone in the film is an idiot and the only reason the plot moves at all is because someone does something stupid. Anyway, you can decide how much these things bother you. I can't most of them go because they're so inexorably linked to the plot.