Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Rising Sun Review

Sometime last year, a gaming acquaintence of mine referred me to the Kickstarter campaign for Rising Sun. I wasn't really sold on the idea of Kickstarter games. I'm very much a try-before-you-buy type guy. The only game I had contributed to at that point was the Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon campaign, which was a mostly known quantity since it was the final expansion of a game I loved. Still, out of polite curiosity, I checked out the Rising Sun game. I was not prepared for how unspeakable awesome their video was.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Concerning Lightsabers, part 2: Style and Design

As I was playing around with my Kyberlight saber, trying to find the ideal design for dueling, I came to a horrifying realization. All the possible combos follow the same general principles and are essentially different "skins" of the same weapon. Furthermore, that weapon doesn't match the sword style I was trained in. In other words, I had the wrong tool for the job.

I had noticed a varying degree of hilt design when I was shopping for a lightsaber, but I hadn't realized how important those differences are to sword style. My own indecision is what attracted me to Kyberlight in the first place, but those sabers follow a single hilt pattern, with mostly superficial differences with the various parts. Let's take a look at the structure behind Kyberlight's design.

No matter which configuration you make, every Kyberlight saber has an a handgrip located evenly between both ends, an activation switch in the upper half, and a big pommel.