Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Doctor Who Audiobooks: Where to start

A couple weeks ago, my British boss and I were talking about the BBC 4 audio player and I commented on how when I had been traveling in the U.K., I heard audiobooks playing on the radio, which is a rarity in the U.S. without special channels. My boss nodded and replied, "Just like there is nothing like a Hollywood movie, there is nothing like a British audio drama."

I mention this because if you are a Doctor Who fan who has not discovered the DW Audio dramas produced by British company, Big Finish, you are missing out. These are fully cast and scored stories with all the elements of an episode except the visuals. And like any good audio story, they do a great job of compensating for that.

Now when you visit their website, you might initially be overwhelmed by the selection and have no idea where you want to start. Fear not, I'm here to help. Here's an overview of what I think are the best spots to enter, based on my own experiences. Your choices will of course hinge on which Doctor or characters you are interested in exploring. The stories mostly add extra adventures to what we already know, but in some cases, they fill in gaping holes in the mythology that fans have long been curious about.