Friday, June 10, 2011

Star Trek Family Tree

Star Trek, the Founding Father: Began the family business by starting out with nothing.  He struggled at first, but eventually prospered.  As he got older he was able to expand the business and keep it going strong. 

The Animated Series, the Ex-wife: She seemed like just what was needed at the time, but it just didn't work out and she left.  Some members of the family talk to her, but most don't, and now she's just a footnote from the father's youth.   

The Next Generation, the First-born: He got a lot of attention and favoritism for being the firstborn.  He had his awkward age growing up, but eventually grew up to live up to his father's legacy as a strong leader in the family company.  But, as it often goes, when it came time for the father to step aside and turn over the reigns (when TNG went silver screen), he faltered and just couldn't match his father's brilliance, beginning a decline in the family name. 

Deep Space Nine, the 2nd Born: This one didn't have the favoritism from its parents as he grew up, so he had to make its own way on hard work.  He thought differently than his parents and started doing his own thing, which he succeeded at.  He got a lot of support from his older brother until he (TNG) became head of the company, which started sibling rivalry began that often worked against DS9.  They managed to make it work, but not as well as they could have. 

Voyager, the Runt: The last of the three children and the worst off.  He just couldn't keep up with his older brothers, despite getting some help.   He was mostly a disappointment growing up, with a few pleasant surprises here and there.  Eventually it found one thing it was good at (sexy Borgs) and stuck with it.  It was the kind of thing that made parents shrug and say, "Whatever makes him happy." 

Enterprise, the Wicked Step-mom: In three words; young, dumb, and sexy.  She married into the family because she made the father happy after the difficulty with his sons.  Most of the family really doesn't like her, but there's not much they can do about it.  She was given a position of authority in the company, and then she ran the whole thing into the ground with her dumb decisions and refusal to listen to anyone.  By the time she grew up a little and came to her senses, it was too little, too late. 

Star Trek '09, the younger Half-Sibling: The child of the father and the step-mom.  He has the sexy trendiness of his mother and the inspiration of his father. He is a new generation of the family line, as the other children have grown up and had their day.  He gets away with a lot more than the other children did because his very old father spoils him so much.  He carries the future hope of the family on his shoulders and its still uncertain how he will handle it.

1 comment:

  1. So... any updates on this? There are two new members of the family.
