Sunday, August 26, 2012

Last Day in EUReKA

SyFy's EUReKA has dropped its curtain.  For the series, I would use one word to describe it: fun; fast and loose sci-fi fun, with all the tropes common to the genre.  There was rarely a moment where it took itself too seriously.  Entertainment came first, science second which it maintained over its whole run.  

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Total Unremarkable Recall

A recent arrival off the remake assembly line, Total Recall proved to be an exercise in unimaginative sci-fi and lackluster action.  While there were no crippling flaws or gaping plot holes, most the film's elements seemed uninspired and trite.  The cast mostly gave wooden performances, and the production design, no longer buoyed by campy creatures and spacey locales, felt too streamlined.  Overall, it was averagely mediocre at best.

(That's right, Colin Farrell is looking directly at the camera.)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sequel to Masterpiece: 2010

Buried in the shadows of the numerous sci-fi hits of the 80s is the lackluster sequel to one of the most acclaimed sci-fi films of all time; 2010: The Year We Make Contact, sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey.  The film is a moodier followup to Stanley Kubrick's cerebral masterpiece.  While its story addresses the mysteries in 2001, the execution is a far fallen apple that leaves a lot to be desired.  

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Dark Knight Journey

The newly completed Dark Knight trilogy forms a tightly knit story about a lone hero in pursuit of justice.  Each film explores the issue from a different angle and creates a comprehensive psyche of both Batman and Gotham City.  Both pass through the different stages of life and face the various trials therein.  Batman follows a very simple progression: birth, life, death.  The story of a boy who became a man who became a legend.  A true hero for the books, through and through.